To assist faculty and staff with the student employment process, Graduate Education has prepared the following materials.
You will also find the related graduate student policies in the Policy Library. Please email feedback regarding any of these resources to
Hiring Deadlines
Spring 2025:
- Spring 2025 GRA/GTA hiring periods end on 2/18/2025.
- Students should be hired as a GA if they are hired on 2/19/2025 or later.
- GRA, GTA, GA Hiring Training Manual (PDF) - Updated 3/31/2025
- GRA, GTA, GA Hiring Training video presentation. Presentation slides (PDF)
- Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment presentation slides (PDF)
- Graduate Student Employment Enrollment Guidance (PDF)
- GT GradWorks:
- Programs and departments can contact Corey McAllister,, to begin the process of obtaining access. Please include the names and GTIDs of people who need access.
- Programs that have not been onboarded to GradWorks and Non-Academic Units can complete thisform (Excel document) and submit it to Corey McAllister to obtain access.
- The following forms must be completed by nonacademic units looking to hire GRAs and GTAs:
- Use the Graduate Student Employee offer letter templates from GT Human Resources to welcome graduate student employees.
2024-2025 Graduate Stipend Rates by College
College of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering |
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Materials Science and Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
College of Computing
Interactive Computing |
School of Computational Science and Engineering |
School of Computer Science |
School of Cybersecurity and Privacy |
College of Sciences
Biological Sciences | $2,958.33 |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | $2,958.33 |
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | $2,958.33 |
Mathematics | $2,958.33 |
Physics | $2,958.33 |
Psychology | $2,958.33 |
College of Design
Architecture |
Building Construction |
City and Regional Planning |
Industrial Design |
Music |
College of Liberal Arts
Economics |
History and Sociology |
International Affairs |
Literature, Media, and Communication |
Modern Languages |
Public Policy |
College of Business
Scheller | $2,945.84 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Registration Status
What is the minimum registration for a graduate teaching assistant (GTA) or graduate research assistant (GRA)?
All GRAs and GTAs must be enrolled full time, which is at least 12 credit hours.
I am hiring a student part time as a graduate assistant (GA) to answer phones and do clerical work. Do they have to be registered for classes?
All graduate student employees should be registered. The minimum registration for a GA is three credit hours. If the student has no registration options, they must be hired as an hourly Student Assistant in pay group 03C.
I am in a unit outside the colleges and hiring a graduate student to do research. I don’t know whether the student is registered or not. How can I make sure I am in compliance with the policy?
We recommend that you ask the student to provide proof of registration (if you are using a graduate student employment status and do not have access to Banner).
My sponsored project budget was approved including a switch from GRA to GA in the summer for the graduate student employees. I will overspend if I hire the student as a GRA now. May I go ahead and do what was approved in the budget?
Yes. All grant budgets approved before May 2015 will be honored with regard to approved graduate student employment status. To request an exception, send a scan of the budget documents that show the approval to Be sure to include the student’s name and GTID, and the term of the exception. Note: Graduate students must be registered for a minimum of 3 credit hours to be hired as a GA. If the student is temporarily not registered for classes but will be enrolled the following semester, they can be employed as an hourly Student Assistant (SA).
Graduate Student Stipend 1% Increase
Which graduate students are eligible to receive the 1% increase?
A continuing or returning GTA or GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
How is the 1% increase for eligible graduate students applied/calculated?
The 1% increase will be applied to the graduate students' AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate. For example, a PhD GRA making $2,500 a month in AY23-24/FY24 (academic programs’) stipend rate would make $2525, a month in AY23-24/FY24 with the 1% increase.
What if we already provided a GTA/GRA with a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate?
If a GTA/GRA has already received a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate, then you will be in compliance and not required to provide another increase this academic/fiscal year.
How is the 1% increase for eligible graduate students applied if their employment arrangement changes (e.g., change of FTE and/or job title- GRA to GTA or vice a versa)?
The GTA or GRA pay rate should meet or exceed the program’s standard stipend rates for their new employment status (e.g., new FTE and/or job title) that includes a year-over-year increase of at least 1%.
If a GTA/GRA was already paid above the institute minimum in AY24-25/FY24, is it required we give them a 1% increase?
Yes if:
- They are a continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
- You have not already provided them with a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate.
- On an external sponsored funding source and the sponsor allows it and funding is available.
No if:
- They are not a continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
- You have already provided them with a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate.
- On an external sponsored funding source and the sponsor does not allow it or funding is unavailable.
Please submit exemption requests using this form. There will be no funding from the Institute to cover this exemption request.
What about a GRA on cost share (state funds) that was already above the institute minimum in AY24-25/FY23, is it required we give them a 1% increase?
Yes if:
- They are a continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
- You have not already provided them with a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate.
- On an external sponsored funding source and the sponsor allows it and funding is available.
No if:
- They are not a continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
- You have already provided them with a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate.
- On an external sponsored funding source and the sponsor does not allow it or funding is unavailable.
Please submit exemption requests using this form. There will be no funding from the Institute to cover this exemption request.
If a GRA is currently on state dollars, but they may transfer to sponsored funding mid-year, would they be eligible for the 1% increase?
Yes if:
- They are a continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
- You have not already provided them with a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate.
- On an external sponsored funding source and the sponsor allows it and funding is available.
No if:
- They are not a continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
- You have already provided them with a 1% or more increase from their AY24-25/FY25 (academic programs') stipend rate.
- On an external sponsored funding source and the sponsor does not allow it or funding is unavailable.
Please submit exemption requests using this form. There will be no funding from the Institute to cover this exemption request.
What if a GRA is split funded between the department (gen ops) and grants, and the sponsored funding does not allow or have the funding for the increase?
The 1% increase should be given on the portion of salary allocated to gen ops (state funds). Recommend using the GRAs salary distribution for the most recent semester worked, Fall 2023, Spring 2024 or Summer 2024, to determine increase. For example, a PhD GRA paid $2500 monthly with 50% on gen ops and 50% on a grant, the 1% increase would be applied to $1,250 allocated to gen ops = $12.50. So new monthly salary would be $2,512.50 with $1,262.50 allocated to gen ops and $1,250 to grant funding. The new percent salary distribution would be gen ops 50.25% and 49.75% grant.
Please submit exemption requests using this form. There will be no funding from the Institute to cover this exemption request.
If a graduate student is slightly below the AY24-24/FY25 institute minimum and 1% increase brings them above this minimum, which is required (minimum stipend or 1% increase)?
Required 1% increase - any continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024. If you have not already provided them with a 1% or more increase from their AY23-24/FY24 (academic programs') stipend rate. And if on sponsored funding and the sponsor allows it and grant funding is available.
Required Minimum Stipend - GTA/GRA at one-third time (.33) or greater FTE. If they are not a continuing/returning GTA/GRA that worked in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
For graduate students on sponsored funds, who decides whether or not funding is available for the 1% increase before the January deadline?
If the sponsor allows the increase, the Principal Investigator and appropriate unit financial personnel should review to see if funding is available.
Please submit exemption requests using this form. There will be no funding from the Institute to cover this exemption request.
How soon can I start entering in the increases for GTAs/GRAs?
You can began requesting and entering in transactions now, for August/September dates.
What is the process to increase a graduate student's pay?
For guidance on the process, see Tech's Administrative Services Knowledge Article (GT login required).
If you are implementing a pay increase for a current graduate student in order to meet the 1% increase requirement, you can use the action/reason code “In-range pay adjustment”.
What is the process to hire new graduate students or re-hire graduate students?
For guidance on the process, see the Resources for Student Employers.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
Please email the Office of Graduate Education at:
What is the AY24-25/FY25 institute minimum stipend rate for a GTA/GRA Master's student?
Monthly stipend rate of $1,184
What is the AY24-25/FY25 institute minimum stipend rate for a GTA/GRA PhD student?
Monthly stipend rate of $2,291
Can I compensate a graduate student for their work through one-time, special pay?
Special pay or one-time compensation may only be used in very limited situations for graduate students. It may not be used for work related to the student’s thesis or dissertation, or for work in support of academic progress. Special pay may only be used for one-time projects that are clearly defined (i.e., conference coordination, photography or graphic work for a specific project or event, administrative work, etc.) and are valued less than $2,000.
Can I compensate a graduate student for their work by awarding a fellowship?
The simple answer is no. All fellowship questions should be directed to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Tech Temps
Can I hire a student as a Tech Temp for one semester?
It is not necessary to hire a student as a Tech Temp unless they have graduated or they will not be enrolled in classes two semesters or more. Talk to your unit’s human resources contact about how to hire a Tech Temp if you plan to hire a student who has graduated or will not be taking classes for two semesters or more. The Administrative Services Center (ASC) knowledge article outlines all of the steps needed to hire someone on a temporary basis.
Note: Students who are not registered for classes for a semester but will be enrolled the following semester can be hired as an hourly Student assistant (SA). These students will be subject to income tax and deductions (Medicare and Georgia Define Contribution Plan) because they will not meet the IRS student exclusion criteria. Please visit the Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment Policy for more information.
Summer Employment/Limited Hours
How do I convert my GRA to a GA during the summer?
You don’t. A student funded on a project as a GRA should remain a GRA throughout their involvement on the project. See the Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment Policy.
I am hiring a student full time for the summer. The student wants to register for one class and is willing to pay the tuition herself. May I hire her as a GA?
No. Graduate students who are enrolled in less than three credit hours during the summer or not registered for classes at all should be hired as an hourly Student Assistant (SA) and can work up to 40 hours per week. Check with human resources for limitations on the total number of hours an individual can work in a temporary status during a one-year period (to be sure this individual will not exceed the maximum during the time they work for you).
I want to hire a graduate student for a month or so this summer who is starting her doctoral program in the fall. May I hire her as a GRA or GA?
No. The student is not yet enrolled and should not be hired in a student employment category.
If a faculty member is paying a student from federal funds (e.g., NSF funds), and the student will be absent for two to four weeks during the summer, what employment status is appropriate? The student will be registered for thesis hours only.
The student should be hired as a GRA and use schedule flexibility to make up the hours of work missed when they are away from campus.
How do I hire a graduate student for about 10 hours a week to do grading for my class?
For less than 10 hours per week, a graduate student can be hired as a GA to do a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, classroom support, grading, research, and administrative work. The student must be registered for a minimum of three credit hours and will not receive a tuition waiver.
Graduating Students
If a student is defending a thesis and graduating this term and qualifies to pay for just one credit of tuition, may I use the GA mechanism to hire them for the term?
Yes. This can only be used in the term that the student is graduating and may only be used one. This may not be used in any other term in which the student is not graduating.
If a student is graduating this term, deposited the thesis in the first week of the term, and thus qualifies for the enrollment waiver, may I use the GA mechanism to hire her for two months to finish up her project before she starts her new job?
No. The student has completed all degree requirements and will not be enrolled in coursework, therefore he or she should not be employed in a student category.
My GRA is graduating in December and does not start his new job until March. May I keep him on as a GA for January and February?
No. After the student has received a degree, he should not be employed in a student category.
Is there a difference in the number of hours that an international student and a domestic student can work?
There may be. Contact the Office of International Education and/or Global Human Resources to ensure you are in compliance.
How do I request an exception to the Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment Policy?
To request an exemption to the Policy Library's Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment Policy, email Please include student name, GTID, and the specific reason for the exception.
I am on the staff of a school, and a unit outside the colleges is hiring one of our graduate students. They asked us to enter the tuition waiver. How can I be sure that the student has not been hired as a GA?
You can — and should — check hiring status in TechWorks. You are responsible for making sure that the tuition waivers allocated to your school are used appropriately. The student should be registered for research or teaching credits to reflect the work done in the other unit. The hiring unit should identify a faculty member in your school to provide academic supervision for the research or teaching credits.
What granting agencies do not allow GRAs to serve as teaching assistants (TAs)?
Many academic programs consider teaching assignments to be part of the educational process and build this experience into their degree requirements. Typically, a GRA funded on a sponsored project should not be required to do a teaching assignment unless it is a degree requirement, the training is allowable in their particular grant, or the student is being paid explicitly for their teaching assignment as part of their workload. Please consult with the Office of Sponsored Programs about the specific terms of the grant in question.
How do I hire a Military GRA?
GTRI is the only department allowed to hire a Military GRA. No other department can hire for this position, including Academic Units. The job code 995X07 can be used for the Military GRA when hiring through the ASC. The position will receive a tuition waiver. The student normally has a third party pay for the remainder of their tuition and fees. The student should not have a balance.
This position will not receive a stipend. Federal employees are generally prohibited from receiving compensation or salary supplements from outside sources for performing their official duties, as this constitutes a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 209. However, there are exceptions and situations where outside work is permissible, but requires prior authorization and does not conflict with their official duties. More information about this can be found in the Conflicts of Interest Considerations: Common Employment Interests (PDF).
GT GradWorks
GT GradWorks allows faculty and their supporting staff to view and submit GRA, GTA, and GA position and hire requests, obtain request status, and manage current assignments.