The following is a list of upcoming Thesis & Dissertation proposal defenses.

Spatial Mapping and Interaction Analysis of Protein Profile in Liver Fibrosis Using Multiplexed Imaging
Deriving Bespoke Human Activity Recognition Systems for Smart Homes
Architectures and Data Orchestration for Tensor Algebra Applications with Low-reuse Operations
Transgressive Narratives: Expanding Interactive Digital Narrative Design Language with Queer Twists and Active Disruption of Belief
Transuranic Imidophosphorane Chemistry
Mitigating Carbon Footprint in Modern Datacenters by Exploiting Spatial Partitioning and Extending Device Lifetimes
Modeling and Applying User Cognitive Skills and Inferred World Belief States to Human-Robot Teaming
Pricing and Causal Inference Under Networks
Barrier Functions For Safe Shared Autonomy
Safe and Efficient Variational Inference Model Predictive Control with Application to Aggressive Autonomous Driving