Graduate Research Requirements & Training

All doctoral students must conduct research for their dissertation, and many master's students write a thesis as part of their degree requirements. For more information on complying with these requirements, visit Theses & Dissertations. Graduate students may also conduct research by being a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) and through special project coursework.

Graduate students must also complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training. Doctoral students must complete online and in-person RCR training. Master's students who enroll in thesis hours or who receive funding from certain federal grants also need to complete RCR training.

Graduate Research Opportunities

Graduate students have opportunities to share their research and hone their research communications skills through participation in the research poster session at the annual Career, Research, Innovation and Development Conference (CRIDC) and the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition.


CRIDC is Georgia Tech’s annual professional development event for graduate students.


Your graduate program research. 3 minutes. Big prizes. That's what Georgia Tech's 3MT competition is all about.