Newsletter Topics
We’re always looking for graduate student-focused content that falls under the following topics:
- Programs/resources/initiatives
- Funding opportunities
- Career and professional development
- Events (provide us a link to where it is included online — see bullet point below)
Tips on Content Submission
Here are a few additional things to keep in mind when submitting content:
- Make it relevant to many. Since the Grad Buzz goes to all graduate students on campus, information that is relevant to the largest number of people will be given priority.
- Send it in early. We are already considering content for issues six months and longer from now. The sooner you can get your news/event on our radar, the better.
- Don’t wait until the week of. The deadline for content for each issue is one week before the e-newsletter will be sent. (That is, noon on the Wednesday before the issue will be sent.) We will take this deadline seriously and adhere to it.
- Provide a link. Be sure to supply a link to where your news, resource, information, etc. is available online.
- Provide a picture. For news items, we generally need a landscape image to accompany the informational blurb. So, when possible, please provide. (Image size for items featured in the blue box is 300 px wide x 185 px high, and 150 px wide x 150 px high for the Funding Opportunities and Professional & Career Development items.) For the main story at the top of each issue, we need an image that is 600 px wide x 330 px high.
- Add events to the Campus Calendar. If you’re promoting an event, please submit it to the Campus Calendar. (CAS login is required.) Then, send us the link to the event for inclusion.
- Send submissions to Please include which of the four topic areas the item should be considered for in the subject of the email. Also, in case students have questions, include a contact email or phone number that can be publicized.