Establishing a thesis topic can feel daunting. After working with graduate students for over 20 years, one Georgia Tech staff member shares their tried and true recipe for success in establishing a strong thesis.
Towards Addressing Some Fundamental Challenges with Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Systems Approach
Towards Energy-efficient Wi-Fi Connectivity for the Internet of Things
This workshop will introduce the basic steps of text analytics using NLTK.
Distributed Algorithms for Optimal Power Flow: Applications and Challenges
Toward a New Paradigm for Wi-Fi over Multiple Frequency Bands
High Fidelity Localization of Energy Autonomous mmIDs for Future Cyber-Physical Systems
On the Recovery of Causal Graphical Models from Observational and Interventional Data
The program, now in it's 31st year, invites prospective graduate students to learn about Georgia Tech's degree programs, as well as careers in industry, research, and academia.
Adaptive Distortion Mitigation for Frequency-Selective Limiters for Improved Robustness to Interference