New Engineering Faculty Members, All Hailing from Georgia Tech ECE. Top row (l-r): Maad Alowaifeer, Bahar Asgari, Ningyuan Cao, Zackory Erickson, and Yan Fang. Bottom row (l-r): Min-gu Kim, Jingfei Liu, Oluwaseun Sangodoyin, Wonbo Shim, and Jong-Hyeok Yoon.
Ten recently minted Georgia Tech ECE Ph.D. graduates and postdoctoral fellows/associates have been hired into faculty positions around the world, despite a difficult and challenging job market.
Aline Eid and Asim Gazi
ECE Ph.D. students Aline Eid and Asim Gazi recently participated in workshops geared toward developing and diversifying the next generation of academic leaders.