The following list of news includes information and articles that highlight what graduate students at Georgia Tech are doing, or information that you need to know. For a complete listing of all Institute news stories, visit Tech's News Center.

Learn how to make a stellar first impression with these tweaks to your LinkedIn profile.
This document sets guidelines for advisors and advisees to create a mutually beneficial relationship.
Graduate student enrollment at Georgia Tech reached 26,398 this semester, a new record for Tech and a 14% increase from last year.
Read on for four Georgia Tech Arts events to add to your calendar.
New Engineering Faculty Members, All Hailing from Georgia Tech ECE. Top row (l-r): Maad Alowaifeer, Bahar Asgari, Ningyuan Cao, Zackory Erickson, and Yan Fang. Bottom row (l-r): Min-gu Kim, Jingfei Liu, Oluwaseun Sangodoyin, Wonbo Shim, and Jong-Hyeok Yoon.
Ten recently minted Georgia Tech ECE Ph.D. graduates and postdoctoral fellows/associates have been hired into faculty positions around the world, despite a difficult and challenging job market.