7-Day Social Media Challenge
April 3 | Day 1
Selfie with your study buddy. Your study buddy can be a friend, laptop, book, pet, tree, etc. Share it on your Instagram feed and tag your study buddy.
Use #GradStudyBuddyChallenge #GSAW2023
April 4 | Day 2
#TBT to your first day of grad school. Dig through your old photos and share a throwback photo from your first day of grad school. Share your excitement or apprehension about starting grad school.
Use #TBTGradSchool #GSAW2023
April 5 | Day 3
"WYA!?" Grad student roll call. Whether you're completing your master's or Ph.D. program online or on campus, we want you to represent your program and let us know where in the world you're studying from!
Use #GradStudentRollCall #GSAW2023
April 6 | Day 4
Favorite study spot. Take a photo of your favorite study spot, whether it's a coffee shop, library, or your own desk. Share why you love studying in this spot and any tips for creating a producctive study environment.
Use #FavoriteStudySpot #GSAW2023
April 7 | Day 5
Grad Goals. Share your graduation goals and what you hope to achieve after you graduate. Whether it's landing your dream job or pursuing a Ph.D., share your aspirations with your followers.
Use #GradGoals #GSAW2023
April 8 | Day 6
Grad school essentials. Share a photo or creative reel of your must-have grad school essentials, whether it's a particular notebook, pen, or even a favorite snack. Share why these items are important to your productivity and success as a graduate student.
Use #GradSchoolEssentials #GSAW2023
April 9 | Day 7
"Graditude" post. Take a moment to reflect on your graduate school journey and share a gratitude post. Share something or someone you're grateful for, whether it's a supportive professor, a mentor, or even a friend who has helped you through the tough times.
Use #Graditude #GSAW2023