Title: Testing Virtualized Future Technologies using Simulations
Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm EST
Location: CODA Kirkwood, WebEx
Nicole Kosoris
Ph.D. Candidate
School of Interactive Computing
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Maribeth Coleman - School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
Melody Moore Jackson - School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
Clint Zeagler- School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bruce Walker - School of Interactive Computing & School of Psychology , Georgia Institute of Technology
Brad Fain - Center for Advanced Communications Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Beth Mynatt - Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University
First Responders could greatly benefit from the use of Augmented Reality (AR) Heads-Up Displays (HUDs) in various applications such as disaster response and hazard detection. However, the full attention required for their jobs and the critical nature of their tasks necessitate careful assessment of these technologies. Traditional training and testing methods for First Responders have utilized VR to great success, particularly in simulating life-threatening situations to improve safety and situational awareness. Existing AR hardware faces significant challenges, such as overheating and visibility issues, which hinder in-context testing. VR offers a promising solution by allowing the simulation of future technologies and environments, thus enabling early-stage testing without the limitations of current hardware. VR systems can simulate AR capabilities and test novel devices under various conditions, providing an intermediary step for AR system design and assessment.
This thesis explores the use of Virtual Reality (VR) to prototype and test early-stage devices, focusing specifically on Heads Up Displays (HUDs) for First Responders. While utilizing VR, I investigated how intentionally stressful scenarios can better differentiate between HUD designs. Positioned within the initial phases of a design pipeline, this methodology leverages virtual representations of test technologies, allowing for comprehensive testing and refinement before substantial investments are made in physical prototypes.
In this work, I employed a mixed methods approach to design and build both calm and stressful scenarios for a traffic stop. Beginning with qualitative methods, I used surveys to determine the factors that First Responders identified as most stressful in a traffic stop. Visibility was identified as a critical design consideration. I then conducted comparisons between low and high-visibility displays, finding that participants responded significantly more negatively to the low-visibility display in simulated high-stress scenarios. The platform created enables virtual prototyping and early-stage testing of devices that do not yet exist. This allows policy and budget personnel to validate device efficacy before making substantial investments in physical prototypes, thereby mitigating risks and optimizing resources in the development process.
In this presentation, I will first introduce the VR-based methodology used to develop and test HUDs. I will then present the results of the comparative study between low and high-visibility displays, showing how high-stress scenarios impacted participant responses. Finally, I will discuss the broader implications of this research, emphasizing how the VR platform facilitates early-stage device testing and decision-making, ultimately contributing to resource optimization and risk mitigation in the development of novel technologies for mission critical applications.