Title: Controllability and Uncertainty in Generative Models
Date: Friday, November 3, 2023
Time: 9-10am ET
Location: Coda C0915 Atlantic & Zoom
Cusuh Ham
Machine Learning PhD Student
School of Interactive Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. James Hays (Advisor) - School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
Dr. Judy Hoffman - School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
Dr. Zsolt Kira - School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
Dr. Humphrey Shi - School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
Dr. Jun-Yan Zhu - School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
This dissertation describes methods for enhancing generative models with either added controllability or expressiveness of uncertainty, demonstrating how a strong prior enables both features. One general approach is to introduce new architectures or training objectives. However, current trends towards massive upscaling of model size, training data, and computational resources can make retraining or fine-tuning difficult and expensive. Thus, another approach is to build upon existing pre-trained models. We consider both types of approaches with an emphasis on the latter. We first tackle the tasks of controllable image synthesis and uncertainty estimation through training-based methods and then switch focus towards computationally-efficient methods that do not require direct updates to the base model's parameters. We conclude with an overview of our latest work on personalization of text-to-image diffusion models, which efficiently recontextualizes a target concept into new settings and configurations.