Since the initial development of implantable and externally worn medical devices began, various commonly encountered electromagnetic (EM) environments have been found to have the capability to affect their performance. Examples of such devices are implantable electronic cardiac devices (IECDs), automatic external defibrillators (AEDs), ventricular assist devices (VADs), neurostimulators, drug infusion pumps, and glucose and cardiac monitoring sensors and systems. Adverse EM environmental effects (E3) include the undesired responses of these medical devices in the environments in which they must function. All users of electrical and electronic devices have experienced the impact of E3 on device performance to the extent that it is generally recognized that EM compatibility must be an important consideration during both the design and use of the devices. The growing use of security and logistical systems (SLS) in public areas requires the same attention to test ing for E3. With the proliferation of the use of medical devices, there has been a corresponding rise in the occurrence of exposures of patients with these devices to the EM fields produced by SLSs. It has become necessary to determine whether SLS-generated EM fields can cause detrimental E3 in these medical devices. In this presentation, Ralph Herkert will give a brief history of the E3 testing of medical devices and how, in the GTRI Medical Device Test Center, test results help SLS and medical device manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and ultimately doctors and patients identify, manage, and/or avoid possible compatibility issues before they occur.

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