The Consortium for Equity in Graduate Education is a network of faculty and administrators across doctoral-granting universities that aims to diversify the demographic composition of STEM graduate programs and the scientific workforce.

The Consortium reimagines, refines, and institutionalizes more equitable practices through training in evidence-based equity-minded admissions, recruitment, and mentoring practices, coaching and learning opportunities for graduate programs to bring about institutional change, and By developing infrastructure for faculty development in graduate schools and other organizations.

Equity in Graduate Education logo


The Equity in Education Consortium is a research-practice partnership that increases the enrollment of racially minoritized students and women by

  • Building capacity for equitable practices in PhD programs via innovative professional development
  • Facilitating the development of sustainable infrastructure for faculty learning & institutional change
  • Conducting and translating research that is inspired by community needs

Participating Georgia Tech Programs

Georgia Tech joins 64 other institutional partners across the US.  

Six academic programs from the following colleges have volunteered to be a part of this two-year program focused on Equity in Mentoring:

Hands typing on computer


The Equity in Graduate Education Resource Center (EGERC) offers professional and organizational development opportunities that foster reflection, healthy discussion, and practical strategies for equitability recruiting, admitting, and serving students.

The EGERC has compiled facilitators from across the country who are skilled in translating the social science of diversity, equity, and inclusion into accessible language, interactive activities, and research-informed tools.

As a partner in the Consortium, Teach’s participating programs have access to workshops and training that will grant you the skills needed to implement changes to policies that have undermined access and success in academia for racially minoritized students.

Upcoming Workshops

Integrating Diversity and Inclusion Considerations into Your Rubric

Oct. 18, 2023, 3:00 PM ET

Register to attend

Optional pre-read: Redefining merit through new routines: Holistic admissions policy implementation in graduate education by Julie Posselt, Deborah Southern, Theresa Hernandez, Steve Desir, Fatima Alleyne, and Casey Miller

Developing High-quality Interviews

Nov 29, 2023, 3:00 PM ET

Register to attend

Optional pre-read: Stop eliminating perfectly good candidates by asking them the wrong questions by Nilofer Merchant


All workshops are typically reserved for participants of the graduate programs included in the consortium; however, the workshops listed above are open to all within the GT community who are interested in attending.



The Equity in Graduate Education Consortium is a national scale-up of the California Consortium for Inclusive Doctoral Education (C-CIDE), and is administered by the University of Southern California Pullias Center for Higher Education. For more information, please visit the Pullias Center for Higher Education and Equity in Graduate Education About Us.