The following information summarizes the process to appeal a denied application.
The Georgia Institute of Technology is a selective institution, and each year we receive more qualified applicants than can be admitted. Each application receives a thorough and holistic review by multiple faculty and staff members from the graduate program to which you applied. Due to this comprehensive review, it is unusual for an admission decision to be reversed.
Before requesting the appeal, please read the information on this page carefully to understand the process before you commit to it. The following information is a summary of the instructions to appeal. If you decide to continue with the appeal, you will receive the complete instructions.
If you fail to follow the instructions explicitly, then your appeal will almost certainly be denied.
If you are only seeking feedback on a denied application, you must contact the graduate program directly. Graduate programs make the admission decisions, so the Office of Graduate Education cannot provide feedback. Graduate program contact information can be found on Degree Programs.
Does Your Appeal Have Merit?
For an appeal to have merit, you must provide new and additional compelling and convincing academic or personal information as well as information pertaining to an extenuating circumstance that was not submitted in the application—information that clearly shows that your application is stronger than previously evidenced.
Only submit new and additional materials that were not included in your original application. Resubmitting material will almost certainly result in the appeal being denied. Regardless of what you submit, less than 5% of appeals are granted.
Carefully review the information in the table below before you decide to request an appeal.
Valid Basis for an Appeal | Appropriate Supporting Documents |
Grade Change |
College transcript(s) that show a change in grade(s) or additional applicable coursework from those originally submitted with your application. |
Medical |
Information from a healthcare provider documenting an illness that was not disclosed in your original application. |
Other Life Circumstances |
Letter of explanation. |
Information NOT considered for an appeal:
- Appeals written or submitted by someone other than the student for whom the decision was rendered
- Transcript(s) with grades earned since the decision was rendered
- Test score(s) taken since the decision was rendered
- Work experience in lieu of meeting academic credential requirements
- Increase in activities
- Additional letters of recommendation
- Interest in attending Georgia Tech
Steps to Request an Appeal
- Email the Office of Graduate Education to discuss the appeal process and request an appeal form. If it is determined that you have a valid basis for requesting an appeal, the appeal request form will be added to your Applicant Experience Portal.
- Log into your applicant experience portal to access the appeal form via your application checklist. Only information uploaded with your appeal form will be considered. Please do not mail appeal information. Appeals submitted by anyone other than the student will not be considered.
- Your appeal will be reviewed by Graduate Admissions and the graduate program to which you applied, and then you will be notified of your admission decision.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What will I submit if granted permission to submit an appeal?
If you are granted permission to submit an appeal, carefully follow the instructions on the form provided to you and load your documents (appropriate supporting documents are outlined in the table above). Please note that the volume of what you submit in the appeal is not important—it is the quality of what you submit that is important.
How long will I have to submit the appeal if granted permission to do so?
You will have 30 days to submit the appeal once you have been granted permission.
When should I expect an answer if I am granted permission to submit an appeal?
There is no guarantee that your appeal will be reviewed in time for the academic term to which you originally applied. If your appeal cannot be reviewed in time for the term to which you originally applied, then your appeal will be reviewed in time for the next term. The review of your appeal will be completed within an estimated 60 to 90 days of its submission.
What if I have further questions after submitting the appeal?
Email Graduate Education ( with additional questions; however, please keep in mind:
- It can take as long as 60 to 90 days for your appeal to be reviewed.
- Do not email Graduate Education with requests for the status of your appeal. You will not receive a response, and it will only slow down the process of your appeal.