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My recommender says he/she didn't get a request for a recommendation. What do I do?

Please allow 24 hours before contacting Graduate Education regarding a recommender not receiving a request.

Ask your recommender to please check their SPAM filters--emails often go there and the recommender doesn't realize the request has been received.  Additionally, we are aware that Deloitte, some government sites and international schools block all emails from Syngrid Technologies.

Go to and log in as a Returning User.  Select the application containing the recommendation you wish to view.  Select Recommendations from the links on the left side of the page.  You will see the names of your recommenders listed and an edit button beside each.  Make sure the email address for the recommender is correct--if not, use the edit button to correct.  If it is correct, then send a reminder by using the edit button adjacent to the recommender's name. This will resend all the information that was sent immediately after you submitted your application. Contact your recommender and let them know you have just resent the request so they can watch their email (and SPAM) to make sure they receive it.  

If this process fails, please click on the "I have a question button" at the bottom of this page and include the name of your recommender.

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